Applying for a personal loan is not so difficult. If you are financially weak and need a support in the form of a Personal loan, you can definitely apply for a personal loan via RupeeStation. RupeeStation allows you to get a loan at a lower rate of interest and provides you with many advantages. If you want to apply for personal loan, in Citibank, the first thing you would check is what is the eligibility criterion to avail for a Personal loan in Citibank? Find out the answer after reading this blog.
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CitiBank Personal Loan |
Have a look at the factors!
1. CIBIL Score!
It is a person’s creditworthiness and the ability to repay the loan back. It is basically the credit history of a person which eventually shows the consistency and its potential to payback or returns the loan to the lender within a particular interval of time. It is a person’s past repayment history. If a borrower’s credit score or credit history is good then the lender would be interested in providing the loan. If the CIBIL score is bad, the lender is not interested in lending the money.
2. Income!
People who have a stable job and consistent salary, these people can repay the loan back easily and the institution prefers giving a loan to them. A personal loan is an unsecured loan, no collateral or mortgage is against the loan. A stable income ensures the bank that repayment of credit will be done at the correct time.
The connection between the bank and the borrower
If you have a good relationship with the bank, of course, this would affect your rate of interest. Of course, the bank gives preference to the customers who have a good relationship with the bank. Bank would prefer giving a loan to the one, with whom the institution has an interpersonal relation.
These are the three main points that affect the interest rate of the Personal loan. There are various factors that affect the rate of interest of the personal loan, the most important are mentioned above. If you want to apply for Citibank personal loan, you can definitely take the help of RupeeStation that acts as a medium between the bank and the borrower. It offers you a loan even at a lower rate of interest and even if you have a low CIBIL score.